
Artificial Intelligence

Mindful AI, Meaningful Impact:
Driving Mission Success with
Intelligent Insights

REI’s mindful approach to AI cuts through noise, providing clear, actionable insights and practical solutions that enhance team efficiency and effectiveness, elevate customer experiences, and amplify mission success. By addressing core business challenges, REI empowers federal agencies to harness AI responsibly, delivering greater value and creating a meaningful impact on citizens and stakeholders. 

REI Insights

Navigating the Federal AI Governance and Risk Management Landscape 

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REI Insights

The Dos and Don’ts of AI in Government 

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REI Insights

Crafting an Effective Predictive AI Model

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REI Insights

Roadmap to Transformation

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Harnessing AI

REI Systems can help your agency deliver greater value with AI

Our expert data scientists, architects, and machine learning engineers collaborate with your agency to develop and implement AI solutions for your biggest challenges. We use AI to deliver timely insights, improve risk management, enhance service delivery, and personalize experiences for citizens. By responsibly harnessing AI’s potential, we enrich lives and strengthen communities nationwide. 

AI Solutions and Benefits

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Context-Relevant Insights, Just-in-Time

AI-powered search provides natural language-like interaction for digital queries. It understands user intent and context, going beyond simple keyword matches to provide relevant results precisely when needed. Government employees and customers alike benefit from a user-friendly experience that delivers accurate results effortlessly and without delay.  

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Better Forecasting and Assessment for Policy Actions

AIenabled predictive analytics help the government take pre-emptive action through risk assessments, anomaly detection, fraud prevention, and forecasting. This allows agencies to address potential threats, minimize risks, and prevent crises from escalating.

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Conversation-based Service Delivery

Conversational AI, or chatbots, enhances customer service by delivering reliable, instant responses, guiding users through processes, and ensuring accessibility in multiple languages. Our Mindful AI approach grounds chatbot responses in agency content, minimizing the risk of inaccuracies. This leads to more completed transactions, shorter transaction times, and higher customer satisfaction.

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Tailoring the Experience for Every Customer

AI-enabled customer experience (CX) allows the government to anticipate needs, provide self-help support, and offer mass customization. By predicting user information needs and behaviors, we can enrich and personalize the customer experience. 

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Streamlining Operational Processes

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) streamlines and automates repetitive tasks, improving efficiency, accuracy, and freeing up human resources for more strategic work. By using automated solutions to modernize platforms, agencies benefit from cost savings across license fees, manual report creation, and validation labor.

Responsibly Unleashing AI’s Potential 

Strengthening AI Governance

We help government agencies adopt AI responsibly. By establishing clear governance, defining roles, and fostering strong AI leadership, we drive innovation. Our expertise in identifying impactful use cases and securing funding ensures tangible results for citizens and mission outcomes. 

Advancing Responsible AI Innovation

We create strategies based on maturity assessments and address adoption barriers. We develop AI talent, create risk management frameworks, conduct AI Impact Assessments, facilitate testing, and ensure ongoing monitoring. Additionally, we promote inter-agency collaboration. 

Managing Risks of AI Use

We create secure platforms for agencies to share and reuse AI code, models, and data, fostering collaboration and leveraging expertise. We help agencies with responsible AI procurement, ensuring sustainability, managing vendor lock-ins, and improving transparency. Our approach helps agencies navigate AI complexities for responsible and impactful deployment.

AI Insights and Events