
The Annual Grants Management Survey
The Annual Grants Management Survey is sponsored by The George Washington University’s Trachtenberg School of Public Policy & Public Administration, the National Grants Management Association (NGMA), and REI Systems. The goal of the survey is to learn from the people engaged in grants management, to understand the context in which you work and how you address the need to manage for accountability, evidence, learning, reporting, impact and overall opportunities for improvement.
Annual Grants Management Survey Results
REI Systems conducts an annual survey of grant professionals, identifying their key success factors, concerns, and challenges.
Get access to the latest information and best practices that can help you better manage your grant program.
Fill out the form below to download the Grants Management Survey Results.
Government Analytics Survey Results
REI Systems conducts an annual survey of grant managers, identifying their key success factors, concerns, and challenges. Get access to the latest information and best practices in data analytics.
Fill out the form below to download the survey results.