Sid Agarwal

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Sid Agarwal

Vice President, Health Systems

As a Vice President at REI Systems, Sid Agarwal leads the Health Systems Business Unit. In this role, Sid oversees the execution of all work that REI Systems performs for the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), the Administration for Children and Families, the Food & Drug Administration, and several other customers. Sid has a customer-centric approach to problem-solving and delivering results, and this tactic has helped him forge strong relationships with his customers. He has established a culture of excellence and success within his business unit by assembling and mentoring teams based on transparency, trust, shared vision, and an open channel of two-way communication. 

Sid holds a Master’s degree in computer engineering from Syracuse University. He began his career as a consultant at MicroStrategy working on business intelligence projects. In 2002, Sid joined REI Systems as Senior Software Engineer, serving the HRSA customer in developing a web-based enterprise grant management system called HRSA Electronic Handbooks (EHBs). Legend has it that if you look hard enough, you might still chance upon codebases that bear his name. More recently, Sid helped oversee all aspects of Delivery within the organization, ensuring that REI Systems continues to delight our customers through exceptional delivery all while connecting with their underlying mission. His success and growth can be attributed to his exceptional delivery, strong business acumen, and an innate desire to help people succeed. 

Sid grew up in Kuwait and currently resides in Northern Virginia with his wife Gayatri and their twin daughters. An avid traveler, his most recent memorable trip was a ten-day sojourn across Norway which included husky sledding across the vast tundra.