Government Analytics Breakfast Forum
GAB Forum Presentations
The Government Analytics Breakfast (GAB) Forum, held in partnership with Johns Hopkins University Data Analytics and Policy program, brings together professionals from academia, government, and industry to discuss advances in data-driven decision making in the public sector, strengthening the community that works to improve government by using analytic methods.
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Featured GAB Event
The Results of the Government Analytics Survey
REI Systems’ in partnership with Dr. Jennifer Bachner, Director of the Center for Advanced Governmental Studies at Johns Hopkins University, recently conducted a Government Analytics Survey. This annual survey polls analytics professionals to gain a deeper understanding of the tools, resources, and methodologies proven successful in government.
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Government Analytics Survey Results
REI Systems conducts an annual survey of grant managers, identifying their key success factors, concerns, and challenges. Get access to the latest information and best practices in data analytics.
Fill out the form below to download the survey results.