Grants Management Breakfast Forum
GMB Forum
The Grants Management Breakfast (GMB) Forum, held in partnership with the George Washington University Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration, brings together professionals from academia, government, and industry to discuss grant management issues, challenges, and keys to success in technology, administration, compliance, performance, and more.
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Featured GMB Event
Results of the Grants Management Survey Webinar
New Surge of Funding Strains Grant-Making Organizations: How to Combat the Challenge.
The results of the 2023 Grants Management survey are here! The overwhelming data coming in from the 15,000+ grant professionals invited to our survey revealed that grant performance is back on the rise for Federal Grants after drops due to the pandemic, but a surge in funding has introduced challenges to already strained grant-making organizations.
Join our distinguished panel and us to discuss the survey results, the evolving landscape of grants, and how your program can continue to meet mission goals given the challenges new legislation has caused.
Explore Past GMB Events
Annual Grants Management Survey Results
REI Systems conducts an annual survey of grant professionals, identifying their key success factors, concerns, and challenges.
Get access to the latest information and best practices that can help you better manage your grant program.
Fill out the form below to download the Grants Management Survey Results.