
REI Insights

How the Grants QSMO is Delivering Results by Prioritizing Customer Experience
October 13, 2021
Reading Time: < 1 minute

How the Grants QSMO is Delivering Results by Prioritizing Customer Experience


October 6, 2021


  • Chad Clifford- Executive Director of Grants Quality Service Management Office, HHS
  • Andrea Sampanis- Grants Quality Service Management Office Solutions & Services Lead
  • Mary Beth Foley- Grants Quality Service Management Office Customer Engagement Lead

Event Description:

HHS designated the agency for the Grants Quality Service Management Office (QSMO) to transform government-wide grants management end-to-end. Created by the Office of Management and Budget, QSMOs are tasked with offering and managing a marketplace of systems and service solutions to improve customer satisfaction, automate processes, modernize technology, standardize data and related processes, and achieve efficiencies in time and money related to the grants management life cycle.

The transformation of grants management is anchored by the Grants QSMO 2030 Vision to empower and enable applicants, recipients, and federal awarding agencies to efficiently and effectively deliver on mission. This vision is reinforced by three pillars; to ease the burden and drive efficiencies; respond to customer needs; and leverage data as a strategic asset.

For this GMB we will discuss how QSMO is delivering results by prioritizing customer experience.

Attendees will walk away with: 

  • How to use your customer’s experience as a lens to help deliver your mission
  • A better understanding of the needs, challenges, and objectives of customers and partners
  • Tips for how to use the needs and perspective of your customer to shape priorities and future work

View presentation slides. 

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