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REI Wins HHS HRSA’s $250M IDIQ Program to Develop and Enhance Grants Management and Performance Reporting System

REI Wins HHS HRSA’s $250M IDIQ Program to Develop and Enhance Grants Management and Performance Reporting System

Reading Time: 2 minutes HRSA, an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), awarded REI Systems the Electronic Handbooks (EHBs) Development and Enhancement Support Services contract that is valued at $250 million over five years. The single-award contract will support HRSA in enhancing the EHBs mission-critical system that manages the performance and oversight for more than $12 billion in grants annually.
Increasing the Speed and Services for Victims of Human Trafficking

Increasing the Speed and Services for Victims of Human Trafficking

Reading Time: 4 minutes REI helped OTIP-ACF agency developed an innovative solution that would provide long-term benefits with a new Case Management System (CMS). OTIP-ACF's mission is to provide leadership, partnership, and support services to victims. In 2018, the agency received three times as many requests than any previous years. This surge in demand, combined with a cumbersome process model across several federal agencies, led ACF to the decision to modernize its IT—specifically the case management system it uses to manage information and services for victims of trafficking.
Lessons Learned from a Government Data Analytics Startup

Lessons Learned from a Government Data Analytics Startup

Reading Time: 2 minutes I recently facilitated a Government Analytics Breakfast Forum (co-hosted by REI Systems and Johns Hopkins University), where the Director of Enterprise Data Services for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Shannon Files, made a presentation on “Building a Data and Analytics Organization in a ‘Startup’ Government Agency.” Here’s what I took away that might be useful to any agency hoping to strengthen its analytics program.